Peacemakers Inc. is a unique non-profit 21st Century group of Social Cultural Practitioners servicing Day Schools. Who use a social emotional model to reach children (K1-12) who need services, but who are often not served by other traditional social cultural practitioner organizations. These children are often from low-income single-parent households, which often leads to a lack of parent engagement. Leaving the child entangled with a plethora of challenges ranging from poor attendance to anti-social behavior, and low academic achievements. These characteristics are high risk symptomatic indicators that feed into “the pipeline to prison” ideology.
Peacemaker’s Inc. Social Cultural Practitioners are visible on campus daily, engaging in prevention and intervention of students’ conflicts and issues. The Social Cultural Practitioners also discuss personal needs, academic and behavior concerns during weekly check-ins with our students. The school day model minimizes office referrals/suspensions by creating an exceptionally high level of child to social cultural practitioners’ contact, as well as provide daily or as needed contact with parents to ensure constant awareness of their child’s day-to-day activities. Our liaison role with parents builds trust with the school; thus, we serve as a key link that bridges close consultation with administrators, teachers, counselors, psychologists, parents, and outside resources to galvanize individual solutions for the students/families.
Parent Engagement
➢Attendance Social Cultural Practitioners
➢Individual/group Social Cultural Practitioners & counseling
➢Peacemaker Peer Social Cultural Practitioners
➢Restorative Justice Circles (Pre/Post)
➢Push in/Pull out classroom support.
➢Academic support
➢Playground/Hall monitor support
➢Anger management/Conflict Resolution
➢Family wrap around services with school and community.
➢Quiet Space (Meditation)professionals who are passionate